Chances Are: Donating to Charity

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“Women and students donating to charity significantly more”

In this round of Chances Are we wanted to investigate whether different types of people are more or less likely to donate to charity. We asked respondents whether or not they had donated £5 or more to charity in the past month. Overall, 42.6% of our sample donated £5 or more to charity. Women are 1.7 times more likely to have donated to charity than men. Students are significantly more likely (2.4 times) to have donated than those in full-time or part-time work, retired or unemployed, but the likelihood of donation also increases as income and age increase. Income most likely increases with age, and the impacts of these factors are additive. An example of this additive nature is shown by the fact that a 35 year old who works full time and earns between £25,000 and £40,000 is still more likely to donate than a 21 year old student earning less than £15,000 a year.

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